United States District Court
Middle District of Florida

CJA eVoucher Vendor Access Form

This form shall be used to request access to the CJA eVoucher system as a vendor.

* denotes a required field

Personal Information

First Name: *
Middle Name:
Last Name: *
List your current MDFL CJA appointed cases *
List the hiring attorneys *
Primary Division:


Additional Divisions:   
Ballistics Expert
CALR(Westlaw, Lexis, etc)
Chemist, Toxicologist
Computer (Hardware, Software, Systems)
Computer Forensics Expert
Court Reporter
Documents Examiner
Duplication Services
Fingerprint Analyst
Hair, Fiber Expert
Interpreter Translator
Jury Consultant
Legal Analyst/Consultant
Litigation Support Services
Mitigation Specialist
Other Medical Expert
Paralegal Services
Pathologist, Medical Examiner
Polygraph Examiner
Voice, Audio Analyst
Weapons Firearms Explosive Expert
Phone Number: nnn-nnn-nnnn *
Fax Number: nnn-nnn-nnnn 
Primary E-mail: *
Your login and password will be sent to the e-mail address entered above. You must enter a valid e-mail address in order to obtain eVoucher access.
Additional E-mail:
If you would like a notice sent to another e-mail address, in addition to your primary e-mail address, please enter it in the field above.
W-9 Form: *
Please select "Choose File" to upload your W-9 form as a PDF file in the field above.
CV: *
Please select "Choose File" to upload your CV as a PDF file in the field above.
Please select "Choose File" to upload any applicable certificate as a PDF file in the field above.

Billing Information - Mailing Address

Company Name: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
Mailing Address Zip + 4 *
Please enter the number that appears below:
Image Please click here for an audio version of the number. *

You will receive an email within two business days.

* *
Vendor/Participant Signature

Type your full name, prefixed with "s/", in the field above to acknowledge that you have read and understand the information in this document.